Are You Ready?
October is half over! Have you found your perfect pumpkin yet?

The pumpkin patch holds more lessons than just picking the perfect orange ball for carving or baking. It reminds me of how life is messy, unpredictable, and yet full of potential, just like my writing process—or trying to get the characters in my book to behave (I’m looking at you, Rudy!).
In a pumpkin patch, not all pumpkins are perfect. Some are lopsided, a little dirty, or have weird bumps, much like our daily struggles and much like Mr. Potato! Sometimes, we feel like we’re the odd one out or that our imperfections are too much to bear. But I’ve found that the quirkiest pumpkins often have the most character—and doesn't life work the same way? Quirks work for me!
The characters I write about, like Rudy and Pinky Pickle, don’t fit the mold; instead, they stand out in their unique qualities. They’re little guys in a big world like us, and they find their strength in being different. So, as the season changes and we embrace fall, let’s also embrace the messiness and imperfection in life, knowing that there’s beauty and purpose in it all—bumps, dirt, and all.
Maybe that’s why we love pumpkins so much. They remind us that we’re all a little rough around the edges, but we’ve got the potential to fill up and light up the world in our own unique way.
Are you ready for November?