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The ONE song that inspired Chapter One
My ENTIRE Playlist While Writing Rudy's Rescue
The Dogs that Inspired Me

This is E.Z. Kiel on a ranch in New Mexico.

Zeke taking a break from his duties

This was the very first picture I came across that made me think of how Rudy's Rescue would begin. I can not find the owner of this photo.

This is E.Z. Kiel on a ranch in New Mexico.
2017, at the beginning of my “Rudy” writing adventure, my sponsor and I were driving through New Mexico and this dog caught my eye.
At first, I thought he needed to be rescued!
A quick visit with his owner revealed that this dog did not need rescuing. In fact, he is a helper to his owners with the menagerie of rescued animals on their little ranch.
When I offered to pay for grooming, his owner said, “Oh, no! He’d freak out. This is a cow dog, not a city dog. He sleeps with the pigs and cows. He'll only tolerate gardenhose baths."
The owner gave me permission to use the pictures I took of
E.Z. Kiel online.
E.Z. Kiel has been an endless source of inspiration while writing.
Unfortunately, his owner passed away not long after I took these pictures. May he rest in peace. He was one of the sweetest men I’ve ever met, and no doubt, E.Z. Kiel misses him with his whole heart.